Submit a Complaint

If you feel a Clay County, Missouri, Sheriff’s Employee has acted improperly, you can file a formal complaint using the form below. Please include details of the complaint, when and where the incident happened, and the name of the involved Sheriff’s Office member. If you do not know their name, please provide a description.

To be in compliance with RSMo 590.502, the Missouri Officers’ Bill of Rights, anyone filing a complaint must provide their name and valid contact information. Although the statute only requires this information for complaints against sworn personnel, the Sheriff’s Office is committed to protecting the right to due process for all personnel.

After receiving the complaint, a member of the Professional Standards Division’s Investigations Section will contact you within three business days to determine how the investigation should move forward.


Tell Us About Yourself
If we do not have your name or contact information, we will not be able to contact you with any questions and therefore cannot investigate the complaint.

How can we contact you?
What is the best number to reach you at?
Based on your selection, please make sure all applicable information is listed above.

Tell us about the event or incident
Please estimate if exact date is unknown.
Please estimate if exact time is unknown.
Please summarize your complaint. Be sure to include all applicable names of witnesses and any other factual, supporting information.
I hereby certify that the statements given by me herein are true and accurate to the best of my personal knowledge. I understand that making intentional false declarations to public servants or untrue statements under oath or affirmation may be punishable by law, (see RSMO 575.050.2) I further understand that I must personally sign this complaint in order for it to be valid, and that false reporting in an attempt to unjustly subject an employee to undeserved discipline or slander, or place his/her employment in jeopardy, can result in criminal charges, and the accused employee(s) may pursue legal remedies against me.