
The Background Investigation section is the basis for all future employees of the organization. The proper screening of candidates is crucial to the success of our personnel and the organization. The proper review and investigation of all applicants will determine whether a candidate has the right moral compass to represent the Sheriff and citizens of Clay County.

Not all candidates will meet our standards of respect to others, accountability for actions, courage and honesty to do the right thing when no one is looking, and the integrity to be forthcoming when confronted with adversity, all while providing service to the public.

The candidates who do meet our standards we believe will be the best qualified persons without regard for race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or religion. To disregard a candidate’s equal opportunity goes against every fiber of the moral compass the Sheriff believes in: Embrace change… Create Value…  Inspire others… This is the mission statement of our agency and it should be our guiding principle.

Open Positions